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A Monthly Hymn for Your Family to Learn & Sing Together


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March - The Lord Almighty Reigns


There’s an endless song

Waiting to be sung

With the voice of every tribe

The sound of every tongue

When the bride of Christ

On that day of days

Brings with joy unto the Lamb

A multitude of praise

Like the roar of mighty seas

And rolls of thunder

Hear His people sing


Hallelujah, hallelujah

For the Lord Almighty reigns

Hallelujah, hallelujah

For the Lord, our God, the Almighty reigns

We will join the feast

Rest from battles won

Tell with great rejoicing

All the wonders God has done

And like the roar of mighty seas

And rolls of thunder

All the church will sing


Certain of that day

Christ we will proclaim

Oh, that more would share the prize

Salvation in His name

Then greater will the anthem ring

A mighty chorus rising to the King


Bible Memory Verse

Revelation 19:6-7 ESV

“Hallelujah! For the Lord our God the Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and exult and give him the glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready…”


Photo: Matt Papa and Matt Boswell gathered to write the hymn with Keith & Kristyn


Story Behind the Song

Last month, fellow hymn writers Matt Bowell and Matt Papa shared a fresh rendition of "The Lord Almighty Reigns," recorded live at the Sing! Conference. This special moment was shared with thousands of believers who came from around the world, all gathered to praise Jesus! It brought the hymn freshly to our minds again and reminded us that our coming celebrations on Easter Sunday are just a small taste of the day when we will all celebrate our victorious Savior in heaven. Here is the story of how we wrote the song together.

I started to work on a chorus melody idea with Keith for the last song written in the Bible - the words we will sing in heaven found in Revelation 19. The theme of our future praise has already been set and I wanted to start practicing for it now!

We brought the idea to fellow hymn writers Matt Papa and Matt Boswell. We were in Northern Ireland at the time surrounded by a beautiful garden in bloom and North Coast fresh air! It was an inspiring place and time to write - full of light and warmth and life.

We spent a lot of time going back and forth on the first line, each of us describing similar thoughts. Suddenly Matt Papa said, ‘there’s an endless song waiting to be sung!’ I remember jumping up with excitement over that line!

Matt Boswell talked about his wedding day with his wife Jamie and how he described it as the Day of days! That idea found its way into verse one too.

I was very keen to give the hymn a strong evangelistic theme at the end. I love that idea of the choir sound growing all the time as more people come to know Him through each generation. A thunderous anthem is growing unlike anything we will have ever heard. The hymn’s melody echoes that idea as it builds through the pre-chorus into the chorus.

We first sang the hymn at the Sing Conference in Nashville in 2022.


Snowdrop Flowers


Something to Think About

Snowdrop flowers are often the first wildflowers to appear towards the end of winter. We have some beneath our Magnolia trees here in Nashville but they are much more popular around the woodlands of the UK. These first blooms of Spring remind us of God’s power to bring new life and God’s promise to one day bring us to endless life in heaven.

The white flower also reminds me of a wedding dress! Did you know the last song of the Bible is a wedding song? One day the church will gather like a bride and Christ will be the groom. Our forever home together with him will begin with a great wedding feast! The Bible describes us as wearing white clothing because we will be holy and pure through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for us. We will sing ‘Hallelujah’ which means ‘praise the Lord’.

Heaven is a real place, greater than the most perfect day or place you can imagine and it stretches out forever before us. God is inviting all of us everywhere to come, to come to the wedding and celebrate with him. His Word tells us that all who trust in Jesus as their Lord and Savior will have the right clothes, have a seat at the table, and have their voice in the great choir. Are you ready for the feast?!


Father in heaven,

We thank you for how Spring reminds us each year that you have defeated death and bring new life to us in Christ. As we sing out our hope of heaven may more people join the song and grow that great celebration we will all have in heaven!

In Jesus name,



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