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May - Pass the Promise



I will pray rejoicing from my heart

Pray rejoicing from my heart

For in Him my victory’s lifted high

His salvation is my cry

He has overcome my enemies

Our praises scorn the enemy

I delight in His deliverance

The Lord is our deliverance


Pass the promise

To our sons and daughters

God most high, God our Father

We bear witness


There is no one holy like the Lord

Holy, holy is the Lord

Our Rock and refuge is our God

All the earth belongs to God

Do not speak with pride of noble deeds

The Lord will weigh our every deed

See the strong have lost, the weak have gained

And from the dust my life He raised



He will guard the feet of faithful ones

He will hold His faithful ones

But the wicked they will not prevail

Not by might will man prevail

He is coming soon to judge the earth

He is coming soon to judge the earth

For the Lord gives power to His King

All Strength to His Anointed King



We bear witness

We bear witness

Kristyn Getty & Sandra McCracken

© 2002


May Bible Memory Verses

Psalm 78:4 ESV

‘We will not hide them from their children,
but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might,
and the wonders that he has done.’


Story Behind the Hymn

After the long covid restrictions we were grateful to gather the writing team together in person during a sunny Tennessee June. Sandra McCracken joined us for one of those days. We had been thinking through some key passages in the Scripture telling the stories of women who followed the Lord.

We read through Hannah’s prayer of thanksgiving in 1 Samuel. We were inspired by how she looked beyond simply her own life to see the big plans of God’s salvation over history. The lyrics follow the main things she knew to be true about the Lord. As parents, we wanted to do the same - pass on the great plans, the great promises of the Lord to our children. Singing them helps the thoughts stick.

We wrote the song originally with no accompaniment apart from tapping on the coffee table to get the rhythm. We wanted it to be a song you could sing while washing the dishes or while driving in the car - everyday moments. We used the call and response style. This is when a leader sings a line and then someone else or a group sings the echo. Our hope was that it would be joyful and fun to sing for the whole family!


Something to Think About

I remember the first time I learned to sing harmony as a teenager. My friend Suzanne, who is a few years older than me, took time to teach me a simple harmony for the hymn ‘I stand amazed’ and it opened up a whole new world of singing! She sang the notes for me and changed the rhythm a little to make it more of a special part. We practiced and then I got to sing the line in church. She passed on a little piece of knowledge to me that then grew and grew as I sang more and more.

This song is all about passing something on to others. Passing on the promises of God. These are promises He has made as the One who reigns over all history and who will forever reign. He promised to send His Son, His anointed King, to be our Savior and we praise Him that He did. He promises that all who trust in Christ will know forgiveness and life and we praise Him that He does. He promises that one day Christ will return to judge the earth and set all things right and we praise Him that He will!

How can you pass this good news on? One of the greatest ways is to sing it out! In church when you gather with others but also as you go about your day. It will help bring these wonderful things about the Lord to mind and heart and give you words to share with others.



Father in heaven,

Thank you for people like Hannah who passed on to others the good news of the Lord. Thank you that you have made these things known to us.

We pray that you would teach us more about who you are and to learn to follow you more closely. And as we do may we pass these things on to others - in word and deed and song!

For the glory of Christ in whose name we pray,



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