A Monthly Hymn for Your Family to Learn & Sing Together

Everything & Listen to the Word of the Lord

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Hi everyone and happy summer! 

Just to be different this month we have two hymns for you. They are brand new. You will be the first to sing them and they were written specifically for kids! 

Let us tell you about them…

Lyrics - Everything

Verse 1

Praise the Lord

Praise Him in His sanctuary

Sing the greatness of His glory

Praise the Lord

Verse 2

Praise the Lord

Praise Him with the cymbals crashing

Winds and brass and strings and dancing

Praise the Lord


Let everything, everything

Let everything that breathes

Let everything that breathes

Come praise the Lord

Verse 3

Praise the Lord

Praise the King of all creation

Sing the song of His salvation

Praise the Lord

(Chorus x1)

Verse 4

Praise the Lord

Praise Him with the voice He’s given

Everywhere in earth and Heaven

Praise the Lord

Lyrics - Listen to the Word of the Lord

Verse 1

Listen to the Word of the Lord

Listen to the Word of the Lord

Great and wise, good and kind

Listen to the Word of the Lord

Verse 2

Learn to know the sound of His voice

Learn to know the sound of His voice

Strong and sure, calm and pure

Learn to know the sound of His voice


Hear and believe Him, trust and obey

Walk in His wisdom every day

Verse 3

Lean on every promise of God

Lean on every promise of God

Tried and true, holding you

Lean on every promise of God


Verse 4

Jesus is the Word of the Lord

Jesus is the Word of the Lord

Great and wise, good and kind

Jesus is the Word of the Lord

Listen to the Word of the Lord


Bible Memory Verse

Psalm 138:2b (ESV)

‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.’


Story Behind the Songs


Sandra McCracken and Skye Peterson and Kristyn wrote this new setting of Psalm 150, the very last Psalm. We wanted to catch the joy - also the list of musical instruments! - as we remember how our breath is given to praise the Lord. There is room for you to take a huge breath just before the last line!

We all have different voices and some are stronger than others. But the Lord calls us to bring whatever voice He has given.

He is the King of creation who gave us voices and song. He is the King of salvation who has given us a reason to sing - we are here because he wanted us to be, we are loved, we are forgiven through the Lord Jesus and we have been called to SING!

Listen to the Word of the Lord

In some hymnals you will find a section called ‘hymns of illumination’. These are hymns you sing just before you hear the Bible being read and taught. They are prayers asking that we might have humble and focusing, trusting and obeying hearts as we listen to the most important words we could ever hear - the Word of God.

This new hymn of illumination for families was written with Jordan Kauflin, Brian Fowler and Ben Shive. They are all fathers who imagined singing this to and with their kids. The lyrics carry words of fatherly instruction that all of us might turn towards our Heavenly Father who speaks to us! His greatest and most beautiful word to us is His Son the Lord Jesus, our Savior and the One all the Scriptures point to.

Summer Challenge!

As you play these songs through and learn them together, see if you can sing the harmonies! Also if you play an instrument see if you can work through the chords or melody. If you do, send us a video so we can enjoy it too!

For many kids school is coming to an end for a while and we hope you have a wonderful time of rest and fun! We also hope these songs will help keep lifting your heart up to the Lord and give you joy and peace through all the ups and downs of the weeks ahead. 


Father in heaven,

Thank you for the breath in our bodies and the song in our hearts - both are gifts from you. Help us use these gifts well and bring you joy in our rest times and in our work times. 

Thank you most of all for the Lord Jesus who gives us new life that will never end. May everything that has breath praise His name,



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