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Lyrics - Victory in Jesus (Christ Won the Victory)


O victory in Jesus 

My Savior forever 

He sought me and bought me 

With His redeeming blood 

He loved me ere I knew Him 

And all my love is due Him 

He plunged me to victory 

Beneath the cleansing flood

Verse 1 

I heard an old, old story 

How a Savior came from glory 

How He gave His life on Calvary 

To save a wretch like me 

I heard about His groaning 

Of His precious blood's atoning 

Then I repented of my sin, 

Christ won the victory. 

Verse 2 

I heard about His healing 

All his miracles revealing 

That He alone can save a soul 

And set the captive free 

I’m happy in His promise 

How soon He’s coming for us 

And home with Him I’ll sing again 

“Christ won the victory!” 

Verse 3 

I’ll tell the old, old story 

Till my Savior comes from glory 

I’ll tell of all the Lord has done 

To set this sinner free 

That all who will believe him 

By Faith can still receive him 

And share in that redemption song 

“Christ won the victory!”

Bible Memory Verse

“…for the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.”

Deuteronomy 20:4 (ESV)


Story Behind the Song

Eugene Monroe Bartlett was born Christmas Eve 1885 in Missouri and grew up in Arkansas. He became a musician and a shape note music publisher. He founded the Hartford Music Company and Hartford Music Institute and also a gospel music magazine called ‘A Herald of Song’.

He wrote many gospel and country songs. His most famous one is ‘Victory in Jesus’. This was written during a very dark time for him. In 1939, when he was 53, he had a paralyzing stroke and couldn’t walk or talk. As he thought of Christ’s love for him over his whole life, he wrote this song of redemption and victory in Christ, the healer of body and soul. He filled the lyric with hope and joy. 

He died just a couple of years after writing this hymn. The first time it was heard many people came to know the Lord. From that time on, which was also the beginning of the Second World War, it has been sung by millions all over the world.

The family who own the publishing of this song visited Keith and I one day and asked if we would like to refresh and re-focus the lyric for families and churches today. We were very honored to do this and our friend Matt Boswell helped. We launched this new version at the Sing Conference in 2024 in Nashville.

Something to Think About

May 8th 1945 is known as VE Day, Victory in Europe day. There were celebrations around the world because the Second World War had ended and a great victory had been won. People ran into the streets shouting and singing and crying, waving flags.

The hymn ‘Victory in Jesus’, written at the beginning of this war, describes an even greater victory. The greatest. Why is it the greatest? It is the victory that ends the biggest, deepest battle we face - the sin in every human heart. This sin breaks our relationship with God and our relationships with each other. Sin is what brings wars into the world.

From the beginning in Genesis 3 we read how sin first comes into the world. We read then of the first shame and blame between Adam and Eve, the murder of Abel by his brother Cain, and on and on the lines of battle go through all of time. But God promised a Savior who would bring victory over sin and death through his death and resurrection. He alone would bring the greatest victory to end all wars.

We can know that healing and restoring in our hearts when we turn to Him as our Savior. With His new life within us He guides us into paths of peace. And one day we will see every war end when he returns, the great Victor bringing justice and peace forever to the earth.

So whatever we face we can always sing with fullest joy ‘Oh Victory in Jesus, my Savior forever’.


Dear Lord,

Thank you that you lead us in victory in Christ. May this give us hope in a dark world. May this help us walk in peace. May this be the celebration cry of our whole lives,

In Jesus name



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