A Monthly Hymn for Your Family to Learn & Sing Together



February - O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go


Oh love that will not let me go

I rest my weary soul in thee

I give thee back the life I owe

That in thine ocean depths its flow

May richer, fuller be

Oh light that followest all my way

I yield my flickering torch to thee

My heart restores its borrowed ray

That in thy sunshine's blaze its day

May brighter, fairer be

Oh joy that seekest me through pain

I cannot close my heart to thee

I trace the rainbow through the rain

And feel the promise is not vain

That morn shall tearless be

Oh cross that liftest up my head

I dare not ask to fly from thee

I lay in dust's life's glory dead

And from the ground there blossoms red

Life that shall endless be


Bible Memory Verse

Psalm 23:4 ESV

‘Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.’

Story Behind the Song

George Matheson wrote this hymn in 1882 on the evening of his sister’s wedding. His heart was heavy and he felt very lonely. As a child he had bad eyesight. As a young adult he lost his eye sight completely. The woman he had wanted to marry no longer had wanted to marry him. His blindness was a struggle she did not want to share. Now his sister, who had helped take care of him, was married and so he felt very much on his own.

He turned to the Lord in his grief and wrote these words in just a few minutes. He found comfort in the Lord’s constant love and care for him. He sings of a hope that is not ever broken by our troubles on earth and gives light through them.

Matheson was born in Glasgow in March 1842. Even with the struggles of his blindness he eagerly studied theology to become a minister and Bible teacher. He died in Edinburgh in August 1906.


Something to Think About

George Matheson could no longer see colors when he wrote this hymn. But his memory of them reminded him of the God who made colors and used them to point to something even greater. All of creation is like a book we can read, telling us about the Lord and His glory.

Matheson writes about the light that follows all of his life. It is only by light that we see any color. But he is talking about a greater light than sunlight. He is singing about the presence of the Lord with us and guiding us. He writes about a rainbow, remembering God’s promise given to Noah after the terrible flood. It was a symbol to remind us of the greater hope we have in God’s goodness and wisdom. He writes about the red on the dusty ground. It tells us of the greater power in the blood of Jesus to forgive and bring new life.

Singing songs about the Lord helps lift our eyes beyond what we see with our eyes to the greater gifts of this life. To know the Lord, to trust in His love, goodness and care, to remember our forever hope in Him. If you can see, what other colors do you see in creation that remind you about who the Lord is and what He is like?


Father in heaven,

Thank you for filling your world with light and color. It reminds us every day that you are the Light of the world and rule over all you have made. We thank you that you are always wise and good and keep all your promises.

We pray for those we know whose bodies don’t work well - maybe their eyes can’t see, or their legs can’t walk. May they know your deep love for them.

Help us to trust you when we don’t fully understand everything. Use the words of this hymn to bring comfort to all our hearts.

In Jesus name 



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