Precious Lord, Take My Hand

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February - Precious Lord, Take My Hand


Precious Lord, take my hand

Lead me on, help me stand

I am tired, I am weak, I am lone

Through the storm, through the night

Lead me on to the light

Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home

When my way grows drear precious Lord linger near

When my light is almost gone

Hear my cry, hear my call

Hold my hand lest I fall

Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home

When the darkness appears and the night draws near

And the day is past and gone

At the river I stand

Guide my feet, hold my hand

Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home

Thomas Dorsey 1932


February Bible Memory Verse

Isaiah 41:10 ESV

“Fear not, for I am with you;
 be not dismayed, for I am your God; 
I will strengthen you, I will help you,
 I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”


Story Behind the Hymn

Thomas Dorsey wrote this beautiful hymn in the 1930s. In 1932, he tragically lost his wife and newborn baby - he was heartbroken. He took some of his pain and turned it into a song to the Lord. Just like King David did in the Psalms, He cried out to the Lord for help through the words and melody of a hymn. 

A friend brought him to a music school to find some private space. He writes, “It was quiet; the late evening sun crept through the curtained windows. I sat down at the piano, and my hands began to browse over the keys."

He remembered an old pentatonic (five-note) melody from his Sunday School days and he re-arranged it and wrote these words. He used the song as a prayer to the only One who could give him strength and hope. 

It was sung for the first time by the choir in the famous Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta. There was a little boy there who heard it. His grandfather and father were pastors in the church and he would grow up to do that too. His name was Martin Luther King Jr. This hymn became a huge comfort to him, a source of inspiration and courage, and one of the key hymns used in the civil rights movement in the 1960s. So special was it to Luther King that it was sung at his funeral in 1968 by Aretha Franklin.

There are many recordings you can listen to of this song. I love Mahalia Jackson’s version!

Something to Think About

The best hymns are filled with beautiful poetry. They have descriptive words that paint pictures in our imaginations. Hymn-writing poets often look to creation to help understand and explain God’s truth in ways that move our thoughts and feelings towards the Light. 

In verse 1 of this hymn Mr Dorsey describes stormy seas - How might this describe how our sorrows feel? How does God help us through them?

In verse 2, he uses the idea of a long road - How might this describe walking with the Lord?

In verse 3, he uses the idea of a river leading somewhere - How might this describe the hope Christ brings us? 

There is one theme Mr Dorsey uses in every verse - the idea of God taking our hand and leading us onwards. This is a picture we can all understand! 

When we are born (and even before that as we are growing in the womb) we all have a ‘grasp reflex’. Our hands curl tightly round a parent’s finger or a close blanket. As the first months pass this fades away. But this is how we are always to be with the Lord. The Lord’s hands are strong, full of forgiveness and always reaching to us with loving-kindness! We are to hold on tight to His hand. 

But how do we do that when we can’t see Him?

We choose to trust Him and His word and ask Him to help our trust grow more and more. Spending time singing to Him with others and reading His Word and praying to Him are so important as they fill us up with wisdom and courage. As we know Him better we learn to trust Him even when we don’t fully understand all that happens in our broken world. And with each day and month and year that passes we can look back and see His care for us which teaches us to trust Him even more.


Father in Heaven,

We thank You for Your faithful and perfect love for us in every moment. We thank You that we can bring every trouble to You.

There are lots of struggles we face. But the greatest one is the sin in our hearts. Thank You that You save us from our sin through the Lord Jesus. He is our peace and our rest and our hope. Help us trust in Him more and more. 

For all who feel lonely, unfairly treated or who are hurting, Lord, please open their eyes to Your love. Use my voice, my life to show Your comfort to others 

In Jesus name,



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