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Lyrics - Come Unto Jesus

[Verse 1]

Come unto Jesus, all you who are weary

Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel

Here bring your wounded hearts, broken and needy

Come unto Jesus, mighty to heal

[Verse 2]

Joy of the comfortless, Light for the straying

Hope of the penitent, Peace in our strife

Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying

"My yoke is easy, my burden is light”


Come unto Jesus

Come unto Jesus

Lay down your burdens, He is enough

Come unto Jesus, rest in His love

[Verse 3]

Come taste the Bread of Life, broken for sinners

Drink from the cup of His promise made sure

Feast at His table as sons and as daughters

Grace overflowing is yours evermore


[Verse 4]

Come now and follow Him, this life forsaking

All that was gain, count as nothing but loss

Trade all this world for His kingdom unfading

Come unto Jesus, take up your cross

Come unto Jesus, take up your cross

Life everlasting He offers to us

[Chorus x3]


Bible Memory Verse

Matthew 11:28 (ESV)

'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.'


Story Behind the Song

Come Unto Jesus’ was first recorded by Laura Story this year. She wrote it with a couple of other worship leaders who were asking the same question - what message do our people need to hear from the Lord? It is a serious responsibility of the worship leader to provide the good food of God’s Word in the songs of the church. Laura described their answer,

‘It’s not a new message as much as the same thing, offered to those listening in Matthew 11 - “come to me and I will give you rest”. Jesus invites us to bring all the struggles we still carry to him. Even if he doesn’t fix them the way we would like this side of heaven, he still gives us rest and peace.

This is simply because he is the Prince of peace and can speak peace into our lives in the mist of life’s chaos. He offers that to his children every moment of the day.”

The hymn also has a communion focus. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross is the reason we can have this rest. This hymn works well during the time of communion in a service.

Something to Think About

Do you know what the word ‘fret’ means? It means to be constantly anxious or worried over something. It comes from an old English word ‘fretan’ which means to devour, like a wild animal. Isn’t that a good way to describe how our worries can take over and swallow us up!!??

We fret over many things - sickness, people’s opinions of us, school work, making mistakes, outside dangers. What do you fret over?

St Augustine who lived many centuries ago once said something we very much need to hear today:

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”

God created us to know peace with Him and with each other. Our sin has broken that peace and only our Savior can fix the break and bring rest. We need to come to Him. And keep coming to Him with wide open arms. He is safe and good and loves us.

How can you remind yourself to come to Him and find His rest? To read and pray and sing the truth often and especially with others. Then it will be the greatest sound in your heart and mind.

I hope this hymn helps you do just that!


Read Psalm 37 - it is a song from the Bible that teaches us how not to fret.


Father in heaven,

You see how much we need your grace and love and protection. You know how weary, frightened and weak we become.

Thank you that you invite us to come to you. Thank you for your perfect rest. Thank you for forgiveness of sin. In you alone is our refuge and strength.

Help me to read and sing and pray the truth of your Word and so know Your comfort.

In Jesus name



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