Jesus Paid It All

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April - Jesus Paid It All


I hear the Savior say,

"Thy strength indeed is small,

Child of weakness, watch and pray,

Find in Me thine all in all."

Jesus paid it all,

All to Him I owe;

Sin had left a crimson stain,

He washed it white as snow.

Lord, now indeed I find

Thy pow'r and Thine alone,

Can change the leper's spots

And melt the heart of stone.

For nothing good have I

Where-by Thy grace to claim;

I'll wash my garments white

In the blood of Calv'ry's Lamb.

And when, before the throne,

I stand in Him complete,

"Jesus died my soul to save,"

My lips shall still repeat.

Words by Elvina M. Hall and Music by John T. Grape

April Bible Memory Verse

Isaiah 1:18, ESV

“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”


Story Behind the Song

Story behind the hymn

Do you ever write down poems, lyrics, prayers to the Lord? Elvina Mabel Hall born in Alexandria, Virginia in 1820, wrote the lyrics to this hymn inside her hymnal. It was while she was listening to the sermon, sitting with her choir at her Methodist church in Baltimore. It was the spring of 1865 and the pastor was preaching about the cross and resurrection of Jesus.

She shared the lyrics with her pastor afterwards and then with the church organist, John Grape. Mr Grape wrote the melody for her words. It was first published in the ‘Sabbath Carols’ journal and quickly became a huge favorite with congregations.

This was one of the first hymns we ever began to teach to our daughters. Whether we are little or older we always feel our weakness. Our bodies can be easily hurt but even more our hearts are always hurt by sin.

She used words very cleverly yet simply to explain the truths of the gospel. For example using the word ‘all’ in two different ways in the chorus - Jesus gave ALL to save us and we in turn give Him ALL our lives in thanks to Him.

‘Child of weakness, watch and pray

Find in me thine all in all’


Having difficulty playing? Watch the video here: https://youtube.com/shorts/B1-S8QtEZnU


Something to Think About

In Isaiah the Lord describes our sin as being like scarlet red. Red is a color often used to describe sin and guilt in the Bible. Red dye in a cloth could never be removed. The Lord goes on to say that our sins would become white as snow. White like snow or sheep’s wool is used in the Bible to describe purity and being clean. Only Jesus, His death on the cross, could make us pure again from the red stain of sin and make our hearts white like snow. He took our red stains on himself so that we could be made pure.

This is good news that our friend Joni Tada loves to speak about and sing about all the time! She has been in a wheelchair since a terrible accident broke her neck when she was 18. But she says her greater struggle was the brokenness in her heart because of the sin that separates us from God. She needed a Savior and needs the Lord everyday. She reminded me recently again that she feels so weak all the time but it is the Lord who makes her strong. And so often it is singing of the Lord’s strength and grace that helps her.

She helped me sing through the chorus of this month’s hymn so that you could learn it. I hope it helps you see that even through our suffering and every struggle there is hope because Jesus our Savior is our all in all.



Father in heaven,

Thank You that you are eager to take all my sin away. I do not need to be scared to tell You about my sin. You know it already! Please forgive me and make we well, that my joy in all that is good and true and beautiful may grow and grow.

Thank You that You are brighter than any darkness and Your grace is bigger than every sin.



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