The Life of Christ Quintology

Available now wherever you listen to music! There is nothing more worth singing about than the life of Christ. That is why the Getty Music 2019 Sing! Conference focused on the life of Christ in the songs we sing each Sunday. Now, all the songs from this event are available together in one album with five sections: Incarnation, Passion, Resurrection, Great Commission, and Heaven. Designed as a liturgical resource to equip believers, families, and churches to sing from Advent and Christmas to Good Friday, Easter, and beyond, Sing! The Life of Christ beckons us to the unshakable joy of what God created us for: praising Christ who gave himself for us. Click below to stream now or download a free chord chart courtesy of our friends at PraiseCharts!


Sing The life of christ the quintology album

The person and work of Christ must take central place in the songs of the church. “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly… singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs” is not a suggestion, but a biblical command (Col 3:16). There is nothing more worth singing about: The eternal Son of God took on human flesh. He bore the cross we deserved. He conquered death and rose again. He empowered us to bring his gospel to all people. He ascended to heaven, and he will return and reign forever and ever. If we do not herald these life-transforming, glorious, transcendent truths when we sing, we are missing the point. That is why the Getty Music 2019 Sing! Conference focused on the life of Christ in the songs we sing each Sunday. Now, all the songs from this event are available together in one album with five sections: Incarnation, Passion, Resurrection, Great Commission, and Heaven. Designed as a liturgical resource to equip believers, families, and churches to sing from Advent and Christmas to Good Friday, Easter, and beyond, Sing! The Life of Christ beckons us to the unshakable joy of what God created us for: praising Christ who gave himself for us.


Track Listing

1 - Across the Lands (Incarnation / Of the Father's Love Begotten)
2 - Sing We the Song of Emmanuel
3 - Come Adore the Humble King
4 - Angels We Have Heard On High/Joy Has Dawned
5 - Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery
6 - In Christ Alone,/ Stand Amazed
7 - The Power of the Cross
8 - My Worth Is Not in What I Own (At the Cross)
9 - My Savior's Love (What Tongue Could Tell)
10 - His Mercy Is More
11 - He Will Hold Me Fast
12 - Christ Is Risen, He Is Risen Indeed
13 - Christ Our Hope in Life and Death
14 - Come People of the Risen King
15 - Magnificent, Marvelous, Matchless Love
16 - I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130)
17 - Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God
18 - Facing a Task Unfinished
19 - May the Peoples Praise You
20 - Let the Nations Be Glad
21 - For The Cause
22 - O Church Arise 
23 - By Faith
24 - Forever Jesus 
25 - There Is a Higher Throne
26 - The Lord Is My Salvation
27 - Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor
28 - The King in All His Beauty
29 - God the Uncreated One (King Forevermore)

Featuring collaborations with Matt Boswell, Travis Cottrell, Jordan Kauflin, Fernando Ortega, Jackie Hill Perry, Matt Papa, Selah, Shane & Shane, and many more!


Keith & Kristyn Getty

Keith and Kristyn Getty are pre-eminent modern hymn writers in the world today, with hymns such as “In Christ Alone” among the 32 songs in top 500 in CCLI between USA and UK. Born in Northern Ireland the award-winning artists became the first musicians of the modern era to be given the OBE from Queen Elizabeth II, for service to music and hymn writing. They have truly become ambassadors for the genre, from their “Sing” book and Conference which welcomes over 15,000 people in Nashville every year, to performing for Presidents and Prime Ministers, the hymn tour and Christmas tour which plays annually at Carnegie Hall and Kennedy Center (as well as two TV specials on PBS and now TBN), as well as founding a publishing company, record label and online learning company for a new generation of writers and church musicians. Keith and Kristyn live between Northern Ireland and Nashville with their four daughters.

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Matt Boswell

Matt Boswell is the founding pastor of The Trails Church in Prosper, TX. Matt has been involved in church planting and pastoral ministry since 1998, and is also an author and hymn writer, known for songs including "His Mercy Is More" and "Come Behold the Wondrous Mystery." Matt is a Ph.D candidate at Southern Seminary with an emphasis in Christian Worship and Biblical Spirituality. Matt and his wife Jamie have four children.


Travis Cottrell

Travis serves as Worship Pastor at Englewood Baptist Church in Jackson, TN. For the last eighteen years Travis has served as worship leader at Beth Moore’s Living Proof Live conferences. In addition to his writing, arranging, leading and singing, Travis has managed to carve out time to record several solo projects, including Found, Ring the Bells, the Dove award-winning Jesus Saves Live (his second Dove award, and one of his sixteen nominations) and When the Stars Burn Down, which debuted at number 1 on the Billboard Praise and Worship charts.


Jordan Kauflin

Jordan Kauflin has been involved in leading worship and writing songs for corporate worship since he was a teenager. His songs include "I Will Wait for You (Psalm 130)" and "All I Have Is Christ." He has served as a pastor for over a decade, and enjoys training the next generation of worship leaders. Jordan and his wife Tali have five children.


Fernando Ortega

In the early 1990s, young composer and pianist Fernando Ortega, classically trained and
musically complex, entered the Christian music scene. His distinctively earthy sound
perplexed and even defied the pop status quo. Descended from eight generations of
Mexican weavers, this son of the Rio Grande entwined thoughtful melodies with Celtic,
bluegrass, classical and Latin American influences to create something unique and rare.

Today, Fernando is one of Christian music’s most respected artists, his works
encompassing modern hymns, liturgical songs, and Inspirational and praise & worship
favorites. With three Gospel Music Association Dove Awards and
a Billboard Latin Music Award to his credit, Fernando’s Christian radio hits include “This
Good Day,” “Jesus, King of Angels” and “Sleepless Night.” Renowned for his stirring
arrangements of beloved hymns— “Give Me Jesus” and “Be Thou My Vision,” among
others— his solo discography features 18 projects in a heralded career spanning more
than 25 years.


Jackie Hill Perry

Jackie Hill Perry is a author, poet, bible teacher and hip-hop artist whose latest album, Crescendo, released in May 2018. Since becoming a Christian, she has been compelled to use her speaking and teaching gifts to share the light of the gospel of God as authentically as she can. She is the author of Gay Girl, Good God: The Story of Who I Was, and Who God Has Always Been and the bible study “Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture”. At home she is a wife to Preston and Mommy to Eden and Autumn.


Matt Papa

Matt Papa is a songwriter, worship leader, and author whose heart longs to see people from every corner of the world set ablaze by the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. He serves as the Worship & Arts Director at Christ Covenant Church in Atlanta, GA. His latest project, "His Mercy Is More," showcases over a dozen songs co-written with frequent collaborator Matt Boswell. Matt and his wife Lauren have five children.



With more than half-a-billion streams, over 4 million albums sold, and 8 GMA Dove Awards to their credit, Selah’s Allan Hall, Amy Perry and Todd Smith have earned a reputation for not only delivering compelling new anthems but also for reviving great hymns of faith. With their soaring harmonies and distinctive lead vocals, they have breathed new life into timeless musical treasures that have ministered to believers for generations. They have also populated culture with such enduring hits as “Press On,” “Wonderful, Merciful Savior,” “You Raise Me Up,” “Hope of the Broken World” and “All My Praise.” Step Into My Story continues the Selah tradition of updating revered hymns and introducing powerful new tunes on the same well-rounded, totally satisfying collection. Released on their own newly launched record label, 3Cre8tive, the album opens with Hall’s warm, evocative voice taking lead on an a cappella rendition of the beautiful “God Leads His Dear Children Along.” Selah also revives such standards as “He Leadeth Me,” “Nothing But the Blood,” “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho” and “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.”


Shane and Shane

Shane and Shane are a contemporary worship music band known for popular praise and worship music. The band consists of Shane Barnard (vocals, acoustic guitar) and Shane Everett (vocals). They are based in Texas. After more than a decade of relentless touring, where the duo played everywhere from the college circuit to worship arenas to far-flung places, Shane & Shane have shifted the focus of their ministry. Rather than cramming as many dates on the calendar as demand will allow, the dynamic praise & worship duo, known for their celebrated guitar work and trademark harmonies, are pouring their lives into others, discipling musicians and training them in their craft. Putting their convictions into practice, the result is The Worship Initiative. What began as an organic spark of an idea has developed into an online resource and community for all things worship. More than just a digital jukebox for worship geeks, however, The Worship Initiative is a one-stop shop for training, a hothouse environment where all—musicians, worship leaders, budding songwriters—can grow and flourish in their craft and creativity and devotion to the Lord.


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