Getty Family

Hymn of the month

A Monthly Hymn for Your Family to Sing and Grow in the Lord Together!


November - My Heart is Filled With Thankfulness


My heart is filled with thankfulness

To Him who bore my pain

Who plumbed the depths of my disgrace

And gave me life again

Who crushed my curse of sinfulness

And clothed me in His light

And wrote His law of righteousness

With power upon my heart

My heart is filled with thankfulness

To Him who walks beside;

Who floods my weaknesses with strength

And causes fears to fly;

Whose ev'ry promise is enough

For ev'ry step I take,

Sustaining me with arms of love

And crowning me with grace.

My heart is filled with thankfulness

To him who reigns above,

Whose wisdom is my perfect peace,

Whose ev'ry thought is love.

For ev'ry day I have on earth

Is given by the King;

So I will give my life, my all,

To love and follow him.

(Keith Getty & Stuart Townend, 2003)


October Bible Memory Verses

Psalm 107:21-22, ESV

‘Let them thank the Lord for His steadfast love,

for His wondrous works to the children of man!

And let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving,

and tell of His deeds in songs of joy!’

Hymn Story

Keith wrote this song with Stuart Townend in 2003 just a couple of years after writing In Christ Alone. Our friend Joanne Hogg was the first to record it. We remember Stuart was finishing the words of verse 2 just as she was about to sing it!

The melody was written first and was inspired by old Scottish folk melodies. We often play it accompanied by the guitar or piano. Over the years there have been many choral arrangements done of the song and it has been recorded by folk, country, and pop singers as well as Salvation Army bands.

The lyrics were inspired by the verses of thankfulness and praise in Paul’s letters in the New Testament. These letters encourage us to see that the greatest things to be thankful for are found in the Lord. Verse 1 looks at how He helped His people through all the years before now, the most important being Christ, His death, and resurrection. Verse 2 looks at the gifts He gives us in our daily life. Verse 3 looks at all His promises for every tomorrow we have until we go home to heaven. These gifts of forgiveness and life and joy and so much more are priceless and last forever.

It is a good hymn for Thanksgiving Sunday! We sang it at our wedding. It was also the first hymn I sang to each of our daughters when they were born.


Something to Think About

This photo was taken in September 2020 when we finally were able to go home to Northern Ireland during the pandemic. It is Eliza with her Granny Heather! After such a long time apart we were so thankful to be together with our family again. It is one of many good gifts from the Lord who puts us in this beautiful world He has made. He puts us in families and friendships because He designed us to be with others. He sends us each day the things we need because He knows we need them.

We all remember what it is like to be apart from those we love. This hymn talks about an even greater separation that only God could fix for us. Our sin pulled us apart from the Lord like a big ocean between us. But as it says in verse 1, ‘He plumbed the depths of my disgrace and gave me life again’ - this describes how he sent Heaven’s greatest joy, the Lord Jesus, to us and taking away our sin brought us near to Him as His friend. Of all the things we can be thankful for this is the greatest. And as we stay close to Him all the other good gifts He gives are enjoyed so much better!

To sing hymns of praise to Him is a wonderful way to say thank you - they remind us of all He has done and give us words of thankfulness to sing. Thankfulness is a good joy medicine for the heart!


Father in heaven,

We sing praise and give thanks to You for You are good and Your love endures forever. The greatest gifts we have are found in You and we rejoice that we belong to You and will be with You and Your people forever.

As we think about these gifts You give may they be like sunlight shining on our faces that others may see and give You praise too. May thankfulness to You help us better love and know and stay close to You.

In Jesus name


Mission Focus From The Voice of the Martyrs

Voice of the Martyrs provides wonderful resources for us as we pray for God’s Family around the world.

We rejoice that though we face sufferings of many kinds the good gifts we receive in Christ can never be taken away.

On this month of thankfulness let’s give thanks for the work VOM do around the world.

Thank you, Lord…

For the millions of Christians around the world who stand courageously for You in dark and difficult places

For the Bibles that are being distributed in difficult to reach places which many receive for the first time.

For the help and encouragement, Voice of the Martyrs bring to families who are suffering because of following Christ

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