
St. Patrick’s Day Family Hymn Sings

2021 St. Patrick’s Family Hymn Sing

2020 St. Patrick’s Family Hymn Sing


March - Be Thou My Vision


Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart

Naught be all else to me, save that thou art

Thou my best thought, by day or by night

Waking or sleeping, thy presence my light


Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word

I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord

Thou my great Father, and I thy true son

Thou in me dwelling and I with thee one


Be thou my battle shield, sword for the fight

Be thou my armor, and be thou my might

Thou my soul’s shelter, and thou my high tow’r

Raise thou me heav’nward, o pow’r of my pow’r


Riches I heed not, nor vain, empty praise

Thou mine inheritance, now and always

Thou and thou only, the first in my heart

High King of heaven, my treasure Thou art


High King of heaven, my victory won

May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's sun

Heart of my own heart, whatever befall

Still be my vision, O ruler of all


March Bible Memory Verses

Ephesians 1:17 ESV

‘I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better.’

Story Behind the Hymn

This Irish hymn is one of the oldest hymns we sing in the church today. Some people say it was written as early as the 6th century. There is a written copy of the text from the 12th century kept in the National Library in Ireland. In Irish the text is called ‘Rop tú mo Baile’. You can listen below to hear how to pronounce that!

The words of the hymn give us a taste of early Christianity in Ireland. Before Christianity had come to this island people believed in many false gods and it brought a lot of darkness and fear. There were also constant wars as one king fought against another. This hymn is a prayer for trust in the one true God, the High King and for courage and protection as we follow Him. This is still a very important prayer for us today!

Mary Elizabeth Byrne was the first to translate the words from Irish to English in 1905. Then in 1912 Eleanor Hull formed the words into the verses that we sing today.

The words are sung to a melody known as ‘Slane’. The first time they were published together was in 1919, which was when World War 1 ended. How people must have been encouraged to sing these words then just as they do now!


Something to Think About

I’m sure you have heard of St Patrick’s Day! Perhaps you have seen a green shirt with a shamrock on it or you’ve eaten Irish stew on March 17th! But more than just being a day to celebrate all things Irish (which we love because we are from there!) it is a day to celebrate the work of someone who did extraordinary things for God’s kingdom. Patrick was the best of heroes - he gave so much of his life to tell others about the Lord Jesus, people who had never heard.

When he was only 16 Irish pirates stole him away as a slave and brought him to Ireland. He was forced to take care of sheep. He had heard about the Lord as a child but it had never meant very much to him. Now in all his troubles he cried out to the Lord and learned to trust in Him.

Six years later he was able to escape and after long adventurous travels he eventually made it home to his family. But he never forgot the people of Ireland. After a dream that called him to return there he did! He travelled miles and miles all over the island, sharing the gospel, planting churches, teaching children to read and write, sharing the truth of God’s light and love for every single person in every dark place.

You can hear more about Patrick in last year’s family hymn sing (link above). Patrick died on March 17th 461 AD and we took our girls to see his grave and the beautiful Down Cathedral that very specially remembers him. His good work continues on and on as parents passed the gospel onto their kids and they passed it onto their kids. So many Irish people have in turn left Ireland to be missionaries all around the world.

He was the first Irish hymn writer! He wrote the beautiful poetry of what is called St Patrick’s Breastplate. He knew how important strong memorable words were in passing on the Truth. As you sing this Patrick-like hymn think of the thousands of families just like yours who have sung those same words! So many things change, there are many battles that we face. Yet we can sing of the Lord who never changes. He is still the only hope for all of us wherever we are and whatever time we live in. May we be like Patrick and have courage to sing out and tell others about the great High King!



We can use the words of this hymn to shape our prayers for our families. You could even pray each point on different days.

Father in heaven,

Your Word is perfect. Your testimonies are sure. You make wise the simple. You open our eyes to see marvelous things.

As we look to You and sing together may the word of Christ go deeply into our minds and hearts.

Teach us each day to look to You and to fill our thoughts with Your Word hour by hour.

Teach us each day to love and follow You first so they we may grow wise and honor You in every way

Teach us each day to stand strong. Give us courage to do what is right and protect us from all that is evil.

Teach us each day to treasure You above all other things and to use all You give us to serve the Savior.

Teach us each day to set our hope on heaven. May we always be getting ready for Christ’s return.

May we trust Him our Risen King with all our hearts,

In Jesus Name



Request Your Free Copy of Patrick: God’s Courageous Captive

Your Gift from Our Friends at The Voice of the Martyrs!

Go beyond the St. Patrick’s Day symbols of shamrocks and leprechauns and hear the story of a man determined to share the message of salvation with the people who had made him a slave. Click here to receive your complimentary copy of Patrick: God’s Courageous Captive—a gift to you from our friends at the Voice of the Martyrs. Your children will be inspired by the story of this courageous man who returned to Ireland with the gospel despite great opposition.


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